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Our plants:

We have a wide assortment of both foreign and domestic Finnish Elite plants such as rhododendron, fruit and berry plants, conifers, perennials, trees och bushes etc.
Take a look at our Pinterest-page where we have sorted a lot of or products into different pinboards, or see our brochures. Don't hesitate to take contact for inquiries.

Download our Plant catalog (in swe/fin) here

You can also search for plants in our databaseN.B! Even if a certain plant is in the database we can't guarantee that it will be in stock. Send an inquiry if you're looking for something special! The prices are unfortunately not updated.

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Read more about our specialities and other products:

Pot grown hedge plants:

One of our most important products for private customers is pot grown hedge plants. There are a lot of different varieties to choose from and the benefits are big compared to bare rooted plants. With pot grown plants you can e.g. plant in your own phase, without having to fear that the plants will dry out. Just water the plants in their containers and you can divide the planting over several days.

Read more about the benefits and how to succeed when planting a hedge on our (swedish) blog: Succeed with your hedge.

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